
Sanger trace alignment.

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Application Description

Sage is a tool to view sanger trace files aligned to a provided reference. The reference can be a genome, a provided fasta file (*.fa) or a other trace file (*.scf, *.abi, *.ab1, *.ab! and *.ab) and is displayed below the trace view.

Accepted Input

The trace files can be provided in abi or scf trace format (*.scf, *.abi, *.ab1, *.ab! and *.ab). The reference can be a genome selecte from the dropdown menu, an uploaded as a fasta file (*.fa) or a other trace file (*.scf, *.abi, *.ab1, *.ab! and *.ab).

Sample Data

The "Show Example" button loads an sample trace file (click to download file) and aligns it to a sample reference fasta file (click to download file).