View single runs of RDML-Files.

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PCR efficiency range for excluding samples from mean efficiency calculation: % Update RDML Data:
Exclude from mean efficiency calculation: Samples without plateau phase: Diverging individual PCR efficiency:
Exclude from calculations: Samples with unstable baseline: Update Target PCR Efficiency:
Table Format: Decimal Separator: Include Annotations:

Baseline Correction: Fluor Loss: True Peak Tolerance: °C Update RDML Data:
Artifact Peak Tolerance: °C Min Peak Temp: °C Max Peak Temp: °C Max Peak Width: °C
Baseline Correction Parameters: Exponential: Low: °C High: °C Bilinear: Low: °C  - °C High: °C  - °C
Ignore Peaks With Size Below: % Format: Decimal Separator:   

Decimal Separator:   

Application Description

RDML-LinRegPCR is a tool to view single runs of a RDML files. Once the RDML file was loaded, the desired experiment and run have to be selected. RDML-LinRegPCR will display the plate setup and, with classic qPCR, the amplification- or meltcurves. A well / reaction can be selected which will highlight the corresponding curve. If a curve is selected, the corresponding reaction will be highlighted. Meltcurves can be easily inspected if the color coding is set to target. Setting the color coding to type allows eases the inspection of amplification curves.

More help information is available in RDML-Tools Help.

Accepted Input

The RDML files can be provided in rdml or xml format (*.rdml, *.rdm, and *.xml).

Sample Data

The "Show Example" button loads an example RDML file (click to download the example file).
The "Show Example LinRegPCR" button loads an example RDML file (click to download the example file).
The "Show Example Melting Curve Analysis" button loads an example RDML file (click to download the example file).
There are alternative test files available (with longer runtimes):
test_1_raw_data.rdml (click to download file).
test_2_raw_data.rdml (click to download file).
test_3_raw_data.rdml (click to download file).
test_4_raw_data.rdml (click to download file).
test_5_raw_data.rdml (click to download file).


rdmlpython version: updated on server interaction

More Help

A general help file is available as RDML-Tools Help.