View and edit RDML-Files.

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An experiment can contain several runs. A run is a set of reactions performed in one "run", for example one plate, one rotor, one array, one chip.

A "samples" is a defined template solution. Dilutions of the same material differ in concentration and are considered different samples. A technical replicate samples should contain the same name (reactions are performed on the same material), and biological replicates should contain different names (the nucleic acids derived from the different biological replicates are not the same). Serial dilutions in a standard curve must have different names.


Import Annotation Data:

A target is a defined PCR reaction. PCR reactions for the same gene which differ in primer sequences are considered different targets.

A cycling program for PCR or to amplify cDNA.

The "experimenter" elements save the contact details of experimenters.

The "documentation" description can be linked to many samples, targets or experiments.


RDML-File Ids

The "id" element assigns a publisher and id/serial number/accession number to the RDML file.


The "dye" element documents a fluorescent dye and is required by the targets.


Application Description

RDML-Edit is a tool to view and edit RDML files. Just select a file and hit submit. By default RDML-Edit only allows viewing of files. To modify files enable the edit mode using the button on the main tab. RDML does support different version with different functionality. RDML-Edit can migrate between different versions on the more... tab if the edit mode is activated. Digital PCR is only supported from version 1.3 on.

Accepted Input

The RDML files can be provided in rdml or xml format (*.rdml, *.rdm, and *.xml).

Sample Data

The "Show Example" button loads an example trace file (click to download file).


rdmlpython version: updated on server interaction

More Help

A general help file is available as RDML-Tools Help.